Project Tzitzis Feat. Uzi Bodner
Composed & Produced by Yitzy Waldner.
Arranged by Shua Sorscher.
25+ Countries
60,000 Pairs
22 Events
If you’re a Jewish male over age 13, you get a mitzvah for every minute of the day you wear a kosher pair of tzitzis.
And guess what? It’s just a t-shirt with strings!
What is Project Tzitzis
Project Tzitzis is all about making tzitzis accessible to anyone who is obligated to wear them, anywhere in the world.

You can order a pair for yourself or a
friend, or get in touch to organize a Project Tzitzis event for your school, camp or community.
Learn more about tzitzis
Project Tzitzis + Lost Princess Initiative

Join us as Rav Leibish Hundert takes us beyond the surface of the mitzvah of tzitzis, revealing the awesome depth of this incredible mitzvah through the lens of Chassidus and P'nimiyus HaTorah.
Project Tzitzis Broadcast

Want to have a part
In Spreading This Awesome Mitzvah?
Donate to Project TzitzisDonations go directly to distributing new tzitzis.
And the merit goes to you!
And the merit goes to you!